Help with contact arrangements after divorce


After a divorce, the father takes care of his child with Down syndrome and his other children every other weekend. The mother receives alimony. In the meantime, the situation has changed, that the mother receives PGB and manages this. The child has changed and now needs one-on-one care. The father works more than 40 hours a week, and can no longer handle this pressure every other weekend. He also loses contact with his other children because he can give them little attention because the child with Down demands all the attention. The father does not receive PGB from his ex. The mother also emotionally obliges her husband to take care of their child full-time two weekends a month. What steps can he take?


In practice, these types of issues are resolved through mediation: both parties choose a mediating third party who provides guidance in reaching new agreements. This is the cheapest and fastest, except for direct contact with each other. Another way is to have the contact arrangement re-established through the court. In practice, the court will then appoint a mediator. If you still cannot reach an agreement, the court will impose a contact arrangement in a judgment.

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