Liability for Damage to Energy Meter - Legal Aid


I work as a social worker at Vluchtelingenwerk and a client of mine has been held liable by Stedin (Network Management) for damage to the seal of the energy meter. Due to this damage, the meter has been replaced and a bill of EUR 444.49 has been sent to the client. He himself claims that he has never done anything with the meter. His gas/electricity consumption also shows no irregularities. When I asked Stedin whether it was possible that the damage could have already been caused before my client moved into the house, they could not give an answer, so that possibility also exists. My question is whether someone can be held liable without proof that he caused damage.


Apparently it is certain that the meter seal is damaged and that the meter had to be replaced. For the energy company that is sufficient to be able to send a bill to your client. If the defense against the claim is that the seal was already damaged when your client moved into the house, then it is up to your client to provide proof of this and that will be difficult if not impossible. So I fear that your client will have no way out of paying the bill.


Thank you very much for the quick response. I feared this answer, I don't think it's fair, but unfortunately I can't change anything about it.

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