Register in the Netherlands or Germany? Find out!


I am Dutch and also have a house with a mortgage. Now I travel a lot for my work, mainly in Germany, I also pay German taxes and am with the German Krankenkasse. During the week I stay in Germany. I have rented a house here. In addition, I keep my house in the Netherlands. How does this work with municipal registration? I use both houses completely myself. Can I register with both municipalities? I am in Germany more than the Netherlands, if I register here, will I automatically be deregistered in the Netherlands? If so, what are the consequences?


No, you have to make a choice. Your choice is not even entirely without obligation because the law determines where you live (European rules for tax and social security and your case Dutch-German treaties). Perhaps it is also better for you fiscally to register in Germany. I advise you to find a specialist in this field. Furthermore, if you register in Germany you are not automatically deregistered in the Netherlands, the systems are. in my opinion not yet set up for each other. Emigration must be reported in the municipality where you live.


Ok, so registering in Germany... But what is the consequence if I deregister in my Dutch municipality? My home simply remains there and I also visit it regularly. In fact, I live in both homes, but because I am in Germany during the week, I am there a few more days than in the Netherlands.


According to German law, your main residence is in Germany and a second home is possible. I do not know if your Dutch home can be registered as a second home according to Dutch law.


My experience is that the Euregio provides good and comprehensive advice regarding advice for 'cross-border commuters'. The advice is also free.

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