Question about unemployment benefits? Get expert advice!


I have a temporary appointment for 32 hours/week until March 2016. The appointment will be continued from April 2016 with a 2nd temporary contract for 24 hours/week. I lose 8 working hours. Now I have read that I can apply for unemployment benefits for this loss. If I were to find myself in the unfortunate situation of losing my job, I would be entitled to 18 months of unemployment benefits. My question is therefore as follows: If I were to apply for benefits for the loss of 8 working hours, and after the end of the 2nd contract it would appear that the appointment would not be extended again, would I then 'lose' 12 months of my entitlement to unemployment benefits or would a new term of 18 months of unemployment benefits commence for the hours (24) that were still lost?


In the event of the 2nd loss of working hours, you will receive a 2nd unemployment benefit: 1. the 1st is created on 01/04/2016 for 8 hours per week; 2. the 2nd arises from the loss of the remaining hours. ad 1 and 2. You will receive the maximum benefit period for both unemployment situations, in other words, the 1st unemployment benefit ends earlier than the 2nd (unless of course you find work earlier for the wages of those 32 hours, in which case they both end at the same time).

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