Wajong benefit and moving abroad | Legal aid centre


Can the UWV reclaim my WAjong benefit because I have moved abroad? I have reported my change of address in writing to the UWV. The UWV also imposes a fine.


The UWV cannot reclaim this, you are entitled to a Wajong benefit in every country you go to. However, it must be submitted at least 2 weeks before departure abroad. This is because a doctor from the UWV can be given the opportunity to (re)examine you.


Mr. or Mrs. Abhishejk is mistaken. If you move abroad, in principle the right to a Wajong benefit ends. General exceptions are: - You need medical treatment abroad. - You have found a job that allows you to earn money yourself. - Your parents or guardians have to move abroad. And you are dependent on them for your care. If you believe that you are entitled to a Wajong benefit despite living abroad, you must object to the decision and the fine.


Unfortunately for you, Martens is right. If none of the exceptions apply, then there is little point in objecting to the withdrawal. Given your story, I would at least object to the fine. It seems unfair to me. A number of recent court rulings are also important in this context.


Dear Sirs, I hereby refer you to the link below http://www.uwv.nl/particulieren/internationaal/met-benefit-naar-buitenland/detail/met-een- Arbeidsonschikheids Benefit-naar-het-buitenland/waar-meld-ik-mijn-vertrek

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