Liability and Limitation: What You Need to Know
I read a few weeks ago that within a period of 5 years a liability claim made by a legal entity that has caused you damage must be renewed, must be sent again, because otherwise the possibility of later going to court would lapse. The liability claim would expire. Even if a notice of liability has been submitted on time, can one still take legal action 20 years after the date of the notice of liability?Lawyer
(Monetary) claims expire by operation of law after 5 years. This term can start running again by making your claim clear again (in jargon this is called 'suspending the claim'). In this way, the limitation period can be postponed indefinitely. It is up to the claimant to be able to demonstrate that there has been a suspension and that the interruption notice has actually reached the other party.Neem de volgende stap
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