Health Insurance and Emigration: What to Do?
Ir/Madam, I have a question about health insurance when you move abroad. Mid September 2013 I moved to Madrid, Spain. Up until that moment I received unemployment benefits and the benefits agency/government changed my address to a Spanish address. From that moment on I started paying health insurance in Spain. I assumed that I no longer had to pay health insurance in the Netherlands. Because I didn't know exactly how I would be insured in Spain (and had to arrange everything), I didn't call my health insurer until early 2014 to ask if I could cancel my insurance. Unfortunately, this was not possible, only if the government would report that I had moved to Spain. 'But they/the government were probably still in the processing period and this would still happen. As soon as this had happened, my insurance would also be canceled', the insurer indicated. Last (end) April I had to go to the embassy in Madrid, and the employee indicated that I was still registered in Amsterdam, but that I would be automatically deregistered in May or June. I then contacted my health insurer again with the request to deregister. This was not possible, because I was still registered in the Netherlands. Last July I called the embassy and asked if I had already been deregistered. Unfortunately, this had not happened, automatically, as they had assured me. So I reported a change of address to the municipality of Amsterdam myself. Assuming that my health insurance would now be stopped. My question now is: can I reclaim my paid premium from the past months in 2014 from my Dutch health insurer (and possibly from the end of 2013)? After all, I was already insured for health insurance in Spain at that time and paid premiums there as a passenger. And at least as important: I paid health insurance premiums in the Netherlands, while I probably had no right to health insurance (in the Netherlands). Thanks in advance for your efforts!Lawyer
If you emigrate, you must deregister from the BRP under the Personal Records Database Act. If you do not do this, your health insurer cannot terminate your insurance. Changing your address with an administrative body is not sufficient. Because you receive a benefit from the Dutch government, you are covered by a special arrangement. You are insured in your country of residence and in the Netherlands against health costs through the Dutch Healthcare Institute by the Dutch government. You report to the municipality where you lived that you are moving abroad. In your new country of residence, you must register with the local health insurance fund. As soon as your insurer receives a message from the municipality, you will be deregistered and your health insurer will send a form to your new health insurance fund. At the same time (or better well before) you request a special form from Zorginstituut Nederland. You fill it in and send it to the local health insurance fund. If everything goes well, you will be registered there and from that moment on you will be insured in your country of residence with this health insurance fund at the expense of the Netherlands. If you have received confirmation from your local health insurance fund, you can immediately apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) at the Dutch healthcare institute. This will also insure you outside your country of residence and outside the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, you can claim your healthcare costs with Agis (foreign department) using the EHIC. You will receive an invoice from the Dutch Healthcare Institute every year. ering-your-registration-with-form-121-or-document-s1/Moving+to+abroad+and+your+health-insurance+(Your+registration+with+form+121+or+document+s1).pdf You cannot recover the unnecessarily paid Dutch and Spanish premiums from your Dutch health insurer, as the reason why your insurance could not be terminated is your responsibility. You should have been aware of the rules that apply to emigration within treaty countries.Neem de volgende stap
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