Question about WWB benefit? Get free advice!


Ir/Madam, I would like to know what my rights are regarding: WWB Benefit. I have been receiving a WWB benefit for four years now, Where I had to complete numerous projects during those years. 1.5 years of pinching paper on the street. 5 days a week And many other routes. From which nothing sensible came. I am simply told that I have to do everything myself, in terms of finding work. I now work one day a week. I get 1 euro net per hour on top of my benefits. While I work with people who just get a normal salary They would prefer that 'Social Services' that I do that for several days. I refuse to do that. I call that and many with me. Exploiting someone. Is there anything I can do about this? How long must I continue like this? Until there is work again? And until then I will be exploited. I also want a normal salary and to be able to build my life. I see people who do get a job for a year. and while I've been waiting for four years. Apologies, my frustration is quite big. So big that my motivation for those trajectories is no longer there. Seems logical to me.


A benefit under the Work and Social Assistance Act (WwB) is intended to help you provide for your livelihood. You are of course not obliged to apply for this benefit. The benefit agency expects, on the basis of the WwB, that a benefit recipient actively tries to improve his or her position on the labour market. This can be done by following training courses, doing volunteer work or following a work-study programme. As long as you receive benefits, you may be expected to provide a counter-performance under the WwB. The counter-performance does not have to lead directly to permanent and suitable work. It always depends to a large extent on the motivation of the benefit recipient whether he or she can find a suitable job. You can always object to decisions of the benefit agency. You may be eligible for subsidized legal aid. You can contact one of the lawyers on this website, a legal aid clinic or law shop near you or Het Juridisch Loket (0900 8020) or:


I think this is another standard answer. I am applying for benefits because I cannot find work. And I think it's like they have to help me get a job. After all, you do not only register for benefits but also as a job seeker. Those obligations that they give me. I will certainly do them. It is just not fair. Why. Because I'm being lied to. Offering courses with a job guarantee, while that is not true. And now I work for 1 euro an hour while retaining my benefits, Isn't it true that you are not allowed to do the same work for which someone else is paid? I think that is one of the participation laws. I'll give you some examples. Is forced labor allowed? I did some searching: - Article 13 of the European Social Charter states that the State must ensure that everyone has the right to adequate assistance. If sanctions are imposed, an individual is pushed below the subsistence level, which is contrary to Article 13 ESC. - Article 19, paragraph 3 of the Dutch Constitution, states that every Dutch citizen has the right to freely choose his or her work. This right also applies in Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and Article 8, paragraph 3 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. - Article 4, paragraph 2, of the European Convention on Human Rights states the right not to be required to perform forced or compulsory labour. - If there is no decent retraining, training and personal help, there is no 'Individual customization'. If you are nevertheless forced to work by a work coach or account manager, you can report Abuse of Office to the police, based on article 365 of the Criminal Code. I really like the last one. :) I don't get any help, training or retraining. Regular jobs are increasingly at risk and are filled by welfare recipients. The regulars disappear into the social service bins and can then later do the same work while retaining benefits. This is not right, this is ridiculous. People are being exploited and you are dependent on those few cents and there really is no other work to be found. In any case, thanks for your answer.

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