Liability after a fall in a shop: free legal advice
during a visit to a home furnishing store my wife and son were knocked down during a chase by a shoplifter and a security guard. My wife was hit from behind and fell forward due to the fleeing shoplifter and/or security guard of the home furnishing store There was no prior warning. To what extent is the home furnishings store, security guard or shoplifter to blame for the fact that my wife fell? As far as is now apparent, there were no permanent injuries, apart from bruises, muscle pain and, immediately after the fall, nausea as a result of the fall?Lawyer
The home furnishing store can only be held liable if the security guard walked over your wife. It is not clear from your story whether that is the case. Incidentally, the question is what the damage is because that is also unclear. Compensation for non-pecuniary damage for this type of case is in any case very low in the Netherlands.Neem de volgende stap
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